Rider Loses Stirrup And Continues Grueling Cross Country Course

Mark Todd is one of the top riders competing in Eventing. He has earned two Olympic Gold medals and earned his fair share of many other accomplishments. After watching this video, it’s easy to see why he’s achieved those accomplishments. The beginning of the course Mark Todd and his horse, Bertie Blunt are going around smoothly, until they jump over a log vertical when they land in the water Mark loses his stirrup.
After he gains composure you can see he looks down to see why he is not able to pick up his stirrup again, he realizes he had lost the stirrup, literally, it is not there anymore. He does what any other competitor would do, he continues on. The amazing thing is his leg stays in PERFECT form without the stirrup. I bet it was all those no stirrup Novembers! Share this on Facebook if you were impressed!