“Texans Saved My Son’s Lives” – Brothers Caught In A Wreck After Roping Event

Yesterday, Ethan and Porter were on their way home from a roping event when the tire on Ethan’s truck blew. Their father wrote the following post below on Facebook. I am sharing it here so that everyone, even those not on Facebook can pray for these young men and their family.

“To all who have asked. Yesterday Ethan and Porter were on their way home from Decatur from a ropin and Ethan blew a tire on the truck.
He rolled his truck and trailer multiple times. The trailer came unhooked from the truck. They were in the median on 287. Ethan had his seat belt on and when the truck stopped rolling it was upside down. He was unconscious but came to and got out of the truck as a man ran up and asked if he was ok. Ethan said he needed to find his little brother. Porter was ejected from the truck and underneath it. His arms were both pinned under the headache rack of the truck. He was unconscious.
Ethan and the guy tried to lift the truck off but couldn’t. The guy said we can’t do this and Ethan said “We have to try!”
He would not give up. That’s a warrior for you.
His back and arms and head full of cuts and full of broken glass, metal and whatever else the roof could offer and he never asked for anything. He lifted and pushed. Within about 75 seconds ( the longest 75 seconds of Ethan’s life) there were 10 or 12 motorists there and they all lifted the truck as Ethan pulled his unconscious 10 year old brother from underneath the one ton ford pickup. Ethan is a warrior and a leader. I don’t know what I did for God to Bless me with such wonderful sons but I have sons so much better than I am.
A man was there that said he was a fireman, off duty, and leave Porter alone and he would take care of him till the ambulance arrived. I have no idea who that fireman was but I owe him my sons life and I’d like to meet him. Another lady called my wife and informed her and has stayed in constant contact since, a total stranger, and a pure Christian.
Ethan’s good black gelding was killed in the wreck but his good bay gelding somehow was out of the trailer and runnin down the median of 287. Ethan was the only one who could catch him. A local rancher picked up the horse and met me in Henrietta. I had been in whitesboro at a cuttin. I left as soon as I got the dreaded call. I drove as fast as I could to get there.
In short, Texans saved my sons lives. Simple motorists who all pitched in to help.
Nobody had a care of black or white or republicans or democrats. Americans, Texans, saved my family. There are still good people in the world and if we defund every politician America will still thrive.
Ethan was released last night. He’s sore and beat up. I’ve hugged him and told him I loved him and it don’t feel like enough.
I had the longest night of my life praying for Porter. I was literally on my knees, crying, begging God to trade me for him. Begging the lesson to be used with my mortality and well being rather than my sons. He is too good to go. I kept it pretty quiet and a few of you have been kept in the loop. Uncle Matt Budge, Jeff Darden you were placed in our lives for a reason. My mommas good faith is carrying us through. So many wonderful friends and concerned Christian’s.
Porter has broken ribs, a broken arm, broken collar bone and a broken shoulder blade and bruised lungs. He’s real beat up everywhere and has suffered a broken back in 4 vertebrae.
When the doc felt his legs last night and asked Porter to move them and he said he did and they didn’t move our hearts sank beyond the depths imaginable.
I went in the bathroom in the hospital room and was going to puke and I knelt and prayed. I promised God I would honor His will but yo please make my son whole again. Then after I came out and Porter was alone with me I prayed over him again and so that Porter could hear: the doc in Wichita said walking was unlikely.
They couldn’t life flight home due to a lightning storm and they had to bring on an ambulance from Decatur to Wichita and then run him to ft worth. Kim went with Porter and I took Ethan home. Kimberly Hulme and I were on the phone all night every time a doctor came in. We got the MRI done. Jeff came and gave Porter a blessing with us and the surgeon just told us that he’ll walk. A fraction of a millimeter different and he wouldn’t have. Where he was laying under the headache rack and the truck he was not supposed to survive. (My sister Natalie said to expect miracles. I’ve begged God all night and day. He is merciful. )So many to immediately be there to lift a truck off him. His grandpas arms around him the entire time. If you have ever doubted angels or God you need to be thankful that you ain’t never been in a situation in Life so bad He was the only one to turn to.
This is going to be a long long road to recovery.
Once the enzymes in his liver and kidneys stabilize, we can get closer to surgery.
I will tell you that prayers will never ever fail. I’ve been constantly praying and loving my sons all night. My poor wife is doing her best. This is all we really have that we care about.
The police did tell me Ethan handled the whole wreck like a pro. They said reckless and speed were NOT a factor and it was pure physics.
I’m so proud of Ethan for how he handled this. Porter is asleep finally and hopefully out of some pain for the moment. God bless the first responders and the doctors.
God bless all those who stepped in to help, from both sides of the veil. I’m having a hard time trying to type through teary eyes in a hospital room watching my son sleep on the couch next to his brother on the hospital bed.
My heart is Broken for Porter and his suffering and my heart aches for Ethan going through the pain of seeing his little brother pinned under a truck and not being able to fix it. And yet being the one to pull him out and save him.
The fasting and praying is felt. Please keep praying. It helps. My family is everything to me.
Chad Bushaw, All the Skinner family. The Brock Family, Wayland Long and so many others, thank you… I can’t name you all so I’ll just say thank you and please keep praying. We have a long way to go. Pray for Porter!”

This was originally posted on the Hulme Ranch Facebook Page.  This community came together, didn’t ask questions, and helped these boys.  Please Pray for Porter, Ethan, and their whole family.

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