Easy Homemade Horse Popsicle’s!

It’s over 100 degrees here today and I’ll do anything I can to help my horse cool off in this heat! I just tried these DIY Horse popsicles and he absolutely loved them! Recipe below.
In the video, they used Arctic Freeze Gatorade with apples and carrots inside. You can freeze it in a Tupperware and serve when frozen. I loved this idea and my horse did too. Another great thing to do on hot days is to add some peppermint oil to an extra bucket of water. It’s easy and offers excellent support for your horse’s digestive system and cooling. This is definitely my favorite thing to do on hot days, but a special popsicle treat is also fun to add to the mix!
On hot days I also make sure my horse has electrolytes and I add some peppermint oil to an extra bucket of water for him. It’s easy and offers excellent support for your horse’s digestive system and cooling. Peppermint oil is definitely my favorite thing to do on hot days, but a special popsicle treat is also fun to add to the mix!
If you’re interested in learning how peppermint oil can help your horses we’d love to help you. We are dedicated to helping equestrians learn how to use essential oils on their horses and themselves! Just email us at [email protected].
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