Found In A Hole On The Edge Of A Cliff….Watch The Amazing Rescue Of This Mare And Foal!

This abandoned mare was found in a desperate situation. She was on the edge of a cliff where some debris had been pushed, her back legs had fallen through a debris hole, her legs were dangling over the edge and there was no where for her to get any traction. She was struggling in vain and getting weak, as you can see in the photo she had just about given up. She could not be pulled straight out as her hocks were hung up on some large branches, she could not go backwards as she was inches from the edge. She was going to have to come straight up and only two people were there and no available resources. A mining Company truck drove by with an older gentlemen in it and the woman whistled as loud as she could. He stopped, backed up and asked what was wrong. She explained the situation to him and told him she could not leave that mare . He then got on his radio and asked if any of the miners had some rope, anything that could help with a horse in trouble. Within 8 minutes they had a crew of 6, a bulldozer and a huge truck with a boom and halters and ropes. These guys were all off work and heading home after a hard day, but instead they joined together to help this mare and see it through…especially when they found out she had a nursing foal waiting for her. Mother and foal were fine, just a little scraped up. Share this on Facebook and show your thanks to everyone involved in saving her life!