Sansa, The Miracle Horse – Saved From Starvation Her Transformation Is Amazing

Earlier this year Marion County Sheriffs seized several horses from a property, where they were in dire need of groceries and vet assistance.
Among the starved was a filly named Sansa that was skin and bones, shaggy and was nearly starved to death. She was malnourished her whole life which caused her to hold on to her winter coat and with the temperatures rising she needed to be shaved to stay cool.
Sansa had a bleak future at first, her blood work suggested her organs were failing. She had pneumonia and extreme lameness. Her foster mom had faith in her and she had amazing vets working on her. Eight weeks later that little filly that held on to life and fought so hard turned into a beautiful young filly. She will always be smaller due to the starvation and horrible care she received in the beginning of her life but she will make a wonderful horse one day. She will need someone to teach her to trust and love.
If you are interested in adopting Sansa please contact The Heart Of Phoenix Equine Rescue. Don’t forget to SHARE this on Facebook and help Sansa find the perfect home!