Horse Women Are Not Crazy And This Is Why!

As equestrians, we’ve all heard the saying that cowgirls are crazy. Even if you aren’t a western rider, or so called cowgirl, all horse girls are deemed as crazy girls. As I was riding my palomino the other day, after turning down spending a night out with a guy friend, this crossed my mind. Are horse girls really crazy or are we just very devoted to our horses?
As a senior in my last year of high school, and my whole life ahead of me, was all this horse time of my youth a waste? These are all thoughts that ran across my mind the other day. As I thought about all of the “hanging out with friends” times and “boyfriends”, that I missed out on, I don’t regret it one bit! Through horse showing and horse activities, I have met some of the most driven and focused individuals with big dreams. Youth that had huge aspirations for their life and a plan on how to reach their goal.
Then I thought to myself, “Have horses been the main impact in our lives”? Were they the ones that kept us on the right path towards success? Those early weekend bed times that prepared us for early horse show mornings or those jobs that kept us on our toes so that we could buy the latest and greatest new piece of tack. Or even missing your high school’s homecoming to attend the All American Quarter Horse Congress, the biggest single breed horse show in the world.

After asking myself all these questions, every answer was yes! Horses have made such an impact in my life and even my college plans. As I graduate this spring, I will be heading off to college to become an equine sports medicine doctor. Working with horses and helping them every day is a passion of mine, I could not think of a better career for myself. Even though I have gone through high school as the “weird horse girl” I wouldn’t want it any other way. Now, just to find that perfect cowboy!
Written By Megan D’Andrea! Share this on Facebook if you think horse women are AMAZING!