How To Make The Most Out Of Your Winter Rides

As the leaves begin to change and the nights grow long and longer, we all find ourselves rushing to get a ride in, or to get all of our barn chores done before the sun sets. I’d like to share with all of my tips and techniques of how I make the most of each day before the light leaves.
During the weekdays, with school and all my other activities, I find that carefully managing my time has helped me accomplish all that I need too. Although we may have plans to get a lot of things done, the truth is, there are never enough hours in a day. Don’t set unreasonable goals to accomplish, as this will just cause frustration and rushing when it’s not needed. At the beginning of each week I make a to-do list of things I would like to accomplish throughout the week, whether it is school assignments, horse activities, etc.
When I get home from school I accomplish the things I need light to do first. For example going on a bike ride, horse ride, or even cleaning up the barn as the day light hours tick away. Thank goodness I have barn lights, but not having an arena or outside lights makes night time riding a challenge. Saving all of my homework or other housework for the night hours has seemed to always work best, and maximizes my time with the horses.
Another tip I have for you is to arrange certain days that are for riding or spending time with your horses. As we lose light and winter approaches, riding every single day might not be an option. Pick a couple days a week that you can easily devote to your horse.
On weekends, I like to wake up a little earlier and get my riding done before noon, that way I have the rest of the day to accomplish my other things, and don’t have to worry about fitting riding in.
As winter soon approaches us, we will all have to make sacrifices one way or another to spend time with our furry four-legged friends. However, as strong horsewoman and men we can do it!
Written By Megan D’Andrea. Share this on Facebook if you’ll be rushing to the barn trying to get a ride in before dark this winter!