Herd Of Cattle Stranded In Deep Flood Water – Ranch Hand Rescued

Hurricane Harvey has completely devastated Texas. It has taken the lives of so many people and animals. It’s completely heart breaking. Still, it’s important that we realize how much the people who are affected need help. Jill Calfee Navarro came across a herd and they were able to rescue the ranch hand and a calf. There were other boats helping with rescue efforts as well. Story and video below.
Jill wrote, “Our guys came across this herd on their way from Houston to Beaumont / Port Arthur. They were trying to get them to high ground. *update* They got a few of them to high ground. They did pull a ranch hand out of the water and pulled one calf and put it in their boat and carried them both to safety. There were other boats in the effort and our guys didn’t have the equipment to stay in the water when it became more swift as they released upstream. I wish I had a really good ending but we honestly don’t know the final. On a positive note, they were able to rescue several people and get them to safety after leaving the herd.”
These people need our prayers and our help. We are praying for all of the victims of Hurricane Harvey. Share this on Facebook if you are too!