Has The Horse World Lost All Common Sense???

Back in the day horse shopping took a lot of effort! You had to go to your local feed store and pick up the magazines, look in the classifieds of your favorite breeds journal (that were thick and full of amazing horses – not skinny and tiny like today), call up trainers, and go see the horses. Now, with social media, everything is almost too easy and people seem to have lost a lot of common sense. When horses are posted, people receive so much interest and most of it doesn’t amount to anything. Terri Contreras, a trainer in California posted an experience I found really funny and totally true! She wrote,
“I have a nice 2 yr old filly for sale….and this post is about that….but in a round about way
I have advertised her at 15.2 at the withers…16+ at the hip….have stated her breeding and the fact that she’s just out of the roundpen but nicely started and trainable. I’ve even put up simple videos to back up these facts….and she is very reasonably priced. Not much left to the imagination and yet I’ve had some interesting questions posed to me….as well as some surprising observations….some of which have made me scratch my head and hopefully give you all a laugh! (Unless of course it’s something YOU said….and you happen to be reading this….but you still might laugh !!)
Here goes….Is she good with kids? …well she is two, so not sure. Is she registered?….well yes…thats a picture of her papers that you are looking at
Can she jump?…well, she is two. Altho she jumps around from time to time…lol!
Can I ride her bareback?….um, well if you pay for her you can ride her sidesaddle for all I care
Can my kids ride her?…..sure, why not? Let’s all go buy a green 2 year old filly for the kids!!
Or my favorite….after about 50 questions answered: Oh, we live in BF Egypt so we aren’t going to buy anything from that far away but thanks for your time….we really like her
What the hell happened in the horseworld when I was busy choosing a stallion and mare, shipping semen, foaling the mare….feeding, halter breaking and caring for this filly and getting her safely raised and started under saddle??? Honestly it makes me want to simply keep her and go show her myself until she dies of old age….lol!! The horse world has certainly changed….and from what I can see…. not necessarily for the better. Instead of clinics for ” bonding with your horse through aroma therapy” ….someone needs to start giving some horse related common sense clinics!! Hey….maybe that’s my true calling!! I will start traveling the country teaching real, common sense horsetraining and giving lessons on that subject!! Oh wait….thats what I’ve been doing for the last 45 years…..guess I wasn’t very good at it
Happy horsebuying folks….and may the odds be ever in your favor!! “
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