This Sweet Lesson Horse Quailified For NBHA World Championships!

There’s a lot more to Texas Thunder Bird than being an incredible barrel horse who qualified for NBHA World Championships. His owner Lindsey Mae wrote,
“This horse doesn’t make me proud because he made it to NBHA Worlds, I only barrel race because he’s good at it. He makes me proud because he’s something I gave up on, then decided to try again. He’s an NBHA money earner and World Championship Qualifier

He’s also a IQPA Grand Champion Halter Horse
IQPA Reserve Champion Driving Horse
Quality competitor in Dressage, Cross Country, Ranch Pleasure, Western Dressage, English Pleasure and Hunter.
Buckle winner in Extreme Trail
And an irreplaceable lesson horse ❤️
I’m proud to be his rider, trainer, partner and family 🐴 Texas Thunder Bird 🐴”
When we contacted Lindsey to find out more she told us, “I’ve owned him since birth. His momma was my first horse 15 years ago and she came pregnant with him. The little girl is my 17-month-old daughter 😊 He’s trained to lay down on cue, so we took some pictures. I’d say the most special thing about him aside from his versatility is his heart. He will match his rider, no matter their experience. He will give me 110% every time I step into the saddle. I tell people all the time that my other horses will go to the ends of the world for me, Thunder would go to the end and jump off if I asked him to. He’s that special of a horse, one in a million 😊”
There’s a lot more to this special horse than what he brings to the show ring! Share this on Facebook if you agree!