Completely Blind 12 Year Old Learns To Ride Reining Horses And He’s Incredible!

Noah is the 12 yr old boy who has been completely blind since birth. Recently he had a chance to ride a reining horse named Ace through the Para-Reining organization. In just two rides he was able to lope circles, spin and slide!!! Para-Reining recently posted the following message and video on their Facebook page.
“Yes we can!!!!”…..listen at the end for Noah’s elation at getting his first slide tracks! Noah is completely blind and came to ride a Reiner at Apex Ranch this past week. He proved to us all that he can!!!! I want people to think about what Noah is accomplishing in these videos. What a brave and amazingly talented young man! Noah reminded us all once again why Para Reining and our special horses have a big place in this world.”
Here is another video of Noah loping circles:
And another video of Noah spinning:
Noah is such an inspiration to us all. I absolutely love hearing his excitement after his first set of slide tracks! Programs like Para-Reining are so special and make such a difference in people’s lives.
Share this on Facebook if you think that Noah and Ace are incredible!