Students Suspended For Riding Their Horses To School

Two seniors at Las Lunas High School in New Mexico were suspended after riding horses to school as part of the “No Vehicle To School Day” Senior Prank. Many students chose alternative methods of transportation including skateboards, bikes and four-wheelers.
A.J. Sauceda and Clayton Torres were suspended for riding their horses to school. They rode the horses on the school campus for about 10 minutes before taking the horses back home. When they returned to the school, officials were waiting for them. Sauceda and Torres were suspended.
The students were surprised by their punishment. They felt that worse senior pranks had been committed earlier that week and none of those students were suspended. Officials said that having horses on school campus was not safe. Both students missed their finals due to the suspension. They will however be allowed to make up their exams.
Article Source, KRQE. Would you have ridden a horse to school for a senior prank? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Share this on Facebook if a little part of you wishes you did this in high school.