Horse Given 5% Chance To Live WINS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!

McKenzie Morgan and her horse H2 have overcome many obstacles over the last few years that would put a hiccup in anyone’s dreams. The difference is McKenzie never stopped believing in herself or her horse. They were in a horrible accident where the truck and trailer flipped and had left H2 pinned in the trailer for two hours. He had suffered a knee injury that took a lot of time and care from amazing veterinarians to bring him back.
McKenzie grew up riding H2. Her grandfather, who had passed away in 2014 taught her how to barrel race. He was a big part of the family and her dreams! After H2’s knee injury, they qualified for the Semi-Finals at worlds which was amazing until H2 coliced and was given only a 5% chance to survive. McKenzie’s grandfather must have had his hand on H2 during his time of need because despite the 5% chance of living H2 pulled through! Not only did he pull through, McKenzie and H2 won the 2017 Teen World Barrel Racing Championship!
Check out this incredible pair below!
We all love a comeback story and this was a great one! Share this on Facebook if you think McKenzie and H2 make an awesome team!