Parents Surprise Daughter With First Horse – Her Reaction Is PRICELESS!

When Riviera received her first horse, it was clearly a surprise. Her parents and horse trainer, Angela LoCascio of Silver Lining Ranch, coordinated the perfect reveal.
Angela explained, “She had no idea. Her mother secretly had a vet check the day before, and we finalized the sale. Then Riviera spent the whole next day at the ranch, without us saying a word. Originally her parents wanted to wait until Christmas to surprise her but to my relief, they decided that it was too hard to keep it secret if we waited too long! Several customers causally turned up at the ranch so they could be there for the surprise. Her dad handed her a check in an envelope and asked her to give it to me. She thought she was just giving me the board check. When she handed me the envelope I handed her his papers. I said congratulations he’s yours! She said, “what are you talking about??” I showed her the check and said “you just paid me for him”. That’s when we caught the video of her as it was sinking in. She was totally taken off guard! She had us all in tears!”
Angela continued, “Riviera Romeo, an 11yr youth, is brand new to the show circuit. She has been leasing Zipper and taking lessons with me for almost a year now. In that short amount of time, they have already succeeded in bringing home 3 Pinto World Titles, several Top 5’s & Top 10’s, as well as High Point Champion and Reserve Champion Awards on the Paint, Pinto and Open Show Circuits! Zipper, a grandson of Sensational Chip, by Zips Chocolate Chip, has been in training with us for the last 5yrs. He has earned 7 Pinto World Titles in the last 2 years in Youth and Open Divisions, including Working Hunter, Hunter Hack, English Equitation and Ideal Pinto English. If there was ever a perfect match, I felt it was these two! The love and trust she has for this gelding and the way he responds to her is pretty special. It’s incredibly satisfying to know he is in his forever home.”
Thank you Angela LoCascio for sharing this beautiful story with us. Share this on Facebook if it brought tears to your eyes!