24 Orphaned Foals Rescued – Please Share And Help Them Find Homes

Last Chance Corral has been doing amazing work rescuing orphaned nurse mare foals for years and this year is no different. They have already rescued far more than 24 foals this year and they all need homes. Here’s a video of 13 new foals that just arrived.
Last Chance Corral wrote, “13 More Orphan Nurse Mare Foals today! This is video from intake. The foals will be posted and available soon (Once we’ve gotten them evaluated and settled). So please stay tuned. If you would like to adopt please visit our site https://lastchancecorral.org/foal-rescue/adoption-policies/ read the entire page and follow the steps there. Thank you for your patience and support!”
Please SHARE this on Facebook and help these foals find new homes!