Watch What This Horse Thinks Of Being Saddled For The First Time – RODEO PONY!

This horse definitely is not liking that saddle strapped to his back. This is what his owner said about the situation:
“Spent the last few weeks putting rope pressure on Spyro’s back and belly to prepare her for the saddle, then using the surcingle with saddle pad, then have been putting the saddle on her in the stable for several days now so today I decided to let her into the arena with it on to see how she would respond to it on her back when she trotted….
As you can see it was rather eventful lol
I had been saying to Ally before how quiet she is and how she’s never bucked, hence her very shocked reaction :L:L
As you can see, after her little episode Spyro got used to the saddle and was going very calmly in it by the end 🙂
(before people say the saddle is too big, it’s just an old saddle we use around the yard for breaking horses so our own don’t get damaged. it won’t be the one i’m using)”
Why do you think this horse reacted that way to the saddle? Share this on Facebook if you know of a few other horses that would be doing the same thing!