BLM Being Sued Over Wild Horse Management

Two Nevada groups launched a lawsuit against the federal government, alleging mismanagement of wild horses has led to excessive damage on the land and to animals.The Nevada Association of Counties and the Nevada Farm Bureau Federation filed suit regarding wild horse management Dec. 30, naming as defendants the U.S. Department of Interior, the Bureau of Land Management, Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, BLM Director Neil Kornze, BLM Assistant Director of Renewable Resources and Planning and BLM State Director Amy Leuders.
The BLM gathers wild horses to be sold for adoption. Horses that are repeatedly passed over for adoption are sent to ranches to live out the rest of their lives. These long term facilities are at near capacity. The group is arguing that there are too many wild horses in Nevada. At this time there are an estimated 20,000 when the maximum management level is set at 12,700.
The groups argue the BLM should “destroy” horses that are deemed unadoptable.
The BLM maintains it will not sell wild horses or burros for slaughter.
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