Watch This Rider And His Amazing Horse Clear A 6’9″ Wall BAREBACK – World Record Performance!!

The Whitaker’s are very well known in the jumper ring as competitors and trainers. Robert Whitaker is no exception, but did you know he holds a record for Bareback Puissance. Yes, that is right bareback. Puissance is a a very exciting jump class to watch. Competitors each take turns jumping a jump called the Wall and it does look like a wall, those that hit the jump are out and those that stay clear continue on to the next round. They do this till there is only one competitor left that has cleared the highest that the wall is placed.
At the Stockholm International Horse Show Robert entered a Bareback Puissance with an 8 year old bay gelding that was owned by Mandy Hall and Clare Whitaker. In the video you will see that Robert and his mount, Waterstone II clear an astounding 6’9” wall. It is amazing to watch and if you watch the horse he does it effortlessly!!
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