Horse Show Mornings – This Is What We Live For!

There is something about the smell of Champion Pepi and Show Sheen combined with hoof black and freshly cleaned leather that can make the earliest of mornings worth the lack of sleep we received the night before. The smell of a horse’s breath on a crisp morning will calm even the most nervous of hearts. Early mornings are full of commotion, if you listen you can hear a freshly shod horses hoof clank the concrete isle way, the munching of hay and the soft nicker from the horses as they receive their morning feed. You can hear the encouragement from a groom to the horse and a trainer to their student, the swish of sand as it hits a jump pole in the warm up ring.
Everyone is busy preparing for their moment in the ring, this is a moment they have spent hours practicing for. A chance to take home a blue ribbon, trophy or even the gold buckle. It doesn’t matter if you are chasing cans, riding down the rail in a pleasure class or jumping your heart over every jump. We all share the passion and the sense of pride we get showing off the partnership we have built with our horses.
The ups and downs are just a part of the game and make it more bittersweet when we walk out of that ring knowing we have accomplished something a lot of people can’t say they have.
Written By, Jona Lane. Share this on Facebook if you love horse show mornings!