She Can Ride, Clean Stalls and Wrap Your Horse’s Legs….And She’s Only 2 Years Old!

Vod and Alexis Farris spend their days around horses, as the trainer and assistant of VJF Racing. So, it was no surprise when their daughter Abigail was born that she too would spend her days at the barn. Abigail spent her days at her dad’s side while her mom, exercised and ponied the racehorses.
Growing up around horses she was bound to catch the equine bug, but to what extent? If you head to the shed row of Golden Gate and make your way to VJF barn you will see a cute little red head running place like it was hers. Abigail will be raking isles, wrapping horses legs, and even riding the racehorses in their stalls practicing her jockey position! Did I mention she is only two years old it’s as if she came out of the womb with her helmet and whip in hand ready to ride!
Written By, Jona Lane. Share this on Facebook if you think Abigail is absolutely adorable!