Woman Arrested After Slapping A Police Horse In The Face At A Trump Protest

Outside the rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump in Kansas City, Mo., a woman was arrested for slapping a police horse in the face.
According to the police report, there was an officer mounted on horseback who was doing crowd control outside the Midland Theatre. Protesters started approaching officers on foot, moving into the street and blocking traffic. Police officers verbally instructed the protesters to move back onto the sidewalk, but they continued moving forward and the mounted police officers moved into a position where they could block the crowd.
That’s when the suspect, April J. Foster, 29, approached one of the officers and his horse. She began screaming in the horse’s face to try and scare him. When that wasn’t working, she reportedly slapped the horse in the face with an open hand.
After slapping the police horse, Foster ran towards the back of the crowd and police weren’t able to catch her at that time. Thanks to a tip that came through on the TIPS hotline, they were able to locate the suspect.
Foster was charged with abuse of a police service animal. After posting her $500 bond she was released. Foster is scheduled to appear in court on May 4.
PETA Senior Vice President Daphna Nachminovitch released a statement on the incident.
“All animals feel pain, stress and fear just like we do, and they deserve our respect and protection. Horses are highly sensitive prey animals, and this poor horse was without a doubt already under a tremendous amount of stress as a result of the chaos, the crowds, the deafening noise of the angry protesters, and more. PETA commends the person who called the tip line so that this woman’s apparent cruelty to this horse does not go unpunished.”
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