Horse & Dog Trail – A New Twist On An Old Competition!

Have you ever heard about a new trail competition with both your horse and your dog? Yes, both of your beloved friends at the same time! Horse & Dog Trail is a new and fun trail class going on in Europe right now. It’s just like a regular trail class with the rider navigating their horse though an obstacle pattern, but in this case, while also giving the dog commands.
Some obstacles might be having your dog lie still in a “square,” or having him go ahead of you and cross over a bridge. The dog must stay on one side of the horse all through the class, but never in front. They score on you how well they both did on each obstacle.
Training a horse and a dog at the same time must be very challenging, but it sure sounds like a lot of fun!
Written By, Malabie Newman. Share this on Facebook if you’d love to see Horse and Dog Trail in your area!