World Champion Disqualified From Calgary Stampede For Mistreatment Of Horse

Texas Roper Tuf Cooper has been disqualified from the Calgary Stampede for mistreatment of his horse during his run in the above video. “The six judges, along with Calgary Stampede officials, unanimously made the decision to disqualify Cooper after seeing him repeatedly and aggressively using his rope on his horse during the run,” said Kristina Barnes, a spokeswoman for the Stampede, in an email.
“The Calgary Stampede takes its animal care protocols very seriously and enforces them among anyone who handles animals on Stampede Park, whether its staff, volunteers or competitors.”
Tuf Cooper is a World Champion Roper with over 1 million dollars in earnings. Do you think that Tuf deserved to be eliminated from the competition? Do you think the way he whipped his horse was abusive?
The one thing that comes to my mind is American Pharoah – he was whipped 31 times down the stretch for that win and Victor Espinoza is viewed as a hero. Do you think there is a difference between the way Espinoza treated his horse and Cooper’s treatment? I’m not justifying either, it just seems that there’s a double standard in the way people view treatment of horses. Share your thoughts in the comments and don’t forget to Share this on Facebook!