Would You Like To Live In America’s Largest Horse Barn? Take A Look Inside!

We’re not saying there’s anything wrong with your barn at home, it probably does what most barns do. Provides shelter to your horses, storage for your equipment and keeps your hay dry. What more could you ask for? Well, what if you won the Jackpot of all barns! This barn is so outrageous it even has its own catering kitchen! Catering Kitchen in a BARN!! Here are some other features:
Barn Specifications for largest Horse Barn in the U.S.:
· Square footage under the roof of entire building: 78,000 sqft – that’s right SEVENTY EIGHT THOUSAND!
· Square footage of horse barn area: 62,267 sqft – I think that’s bigger than my entire neighborhood!
· 130 stalls
· 10 tack rooms
· Custom Aquatrainer Equestrian aquatic rehab treadmill and cold soak therapy area
· Equine Veterinarian Area
· Two commercial grade laundry rooms
· Two Feed Storage Rooms
· Four Interior Wash/Tack Stalls
· Eight exterior wash stalls (6 to 8 horse capacity in each)
· 4,800 sqft Central Courtyard with Banyan trees
· Eastern White Pine Timber Frame Trusses, Hand-Hewn by Adze
Attached functions:
· South Wing
Private Owner’s Suite
Guest and entertaining Areas
Catering kitchen
Argentine Asado Grilling Area
Three Sided Fireplace
Wine room
· North Wing
Three bedroom “Pro’s” Living Quarters
1,300 sqft gym with physical therapy room
All that for only 130 Horses! I want to live in that barn! If you’d like to live in this barn as well, Share this on Facebook!