3 Neglected Horses Were Living In A Manure Filled Stall For 15 Years

Two emaciated horses were removed from a stall filled with 3-4 feet of manure. It is suspected that they lived in this stall for at least 15 years without proper nutrition medical care or farrier care. They were brought to Days End Farm Horse Rescue for their rehabilitative care.
Unfortunately there was also a miniature horse living with them that needed to be euthamized before the horses were transported. She had ruptured ligaments that caused irreparable fetlock dislocation and was living in pain every day. The other two were in critical condition, but were able to be rescued.

The horses hooves were so long that they could barely move. Each hoof was over 3 feet long. Every time they took a step they risked getting tangled in their own hooves. A veterinarian and farrier worked together before transporting them. They sedated he horses and laid them down so they could remove portions of their hooves prior to transport.

It’s so sad that these horses had to suffer for over 15 years. Thankfully a Good Samaritan ended their suffering when they called the Humane Society about the welfare of pet pigeons on the property. During all welfare inspections, the Humane society checks all animals on the property. The horses were discovered during the inspection.
These are the worst cases of hoof neglect we have ever seen. I am so sad that these horses had to endure such awful conditions. Thankfully Days End Farm Horse Rescue is committed to their rehabilitation.

DEFHR’s mission is to support animal control in abuse and neglect cases and THIS is what they is there for. They are there for the horses! These horses needed help, and they stepped in. What an amazing organization.
Days End Farm Horse Rescue is a 501c3 nonprofit organization currently providing rehabilitation and ongoing care for 78 rescue horses. The organization relies primarily on donations to help these horses. All donations are tax deductible. To donate go to www.defhr.org.
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