After Being Poisoned…SG Frozen Enterprise Scores 230 At High Roller Reining Classic….He’s Back!

SG Frozen Enterprise, better known as “Iceman” had a rough time at the Reining By The Bay horse show after he was allegedly poisoned (Click Here For More Info). Here he is at the High Roller Reining Classic after scoring a 230 in the Derby! The video is his walk out of the arena, where his owner Michael Miola hugs his trainer, Andrea Fappani and then Iceman gets some love!
[fbvideo link=”” width=”640″ height=”480″ onlyvideo=”1″]I thought for sure he’d win, but Electrinicki and Jordan Larson scored a 232 to win the Derby! Their run in the video above was beautiful. Both horses were amazing and the talent in the derby was phenominal! Congratulations to both of the horses, their riders and owner’s!
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