Blue Tongue In Dressage – Does This Look Right To You?

Dressage is one of the most elegant and beautiful sports to watch and to ride. It reminds me of dancing with a horse and it is a sport I truly love. Having said that, there has been some controversy recently around a sale video that was posted on the internet. In a Facebook post by Dressage Hub, the trainer is accused of passing marshmallow off as foam and the horse having a blue tongue. They urged people to look closely. In the comments, Dressage Hub further explained marshmallow mouth, “It is marshmallow paste that kind of looks like foam but covers up things like blue tongues.”
Clips from the sale video were then posted on youtube. This horse marked a 68.553% in the Prix St. George. Does he look like he has blue tongue to you?

According to to the YouTube video, A tongue hanging out of the side of the mouth is a minus 2 for every movement in a dressage test, so regardless of whether or not you think this is “blue tongue”, it appears that this score is pretty high.
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