Cleaning My Horse’s Stall Is The Best Part Of My Day

Lisa Johnson owns the incredibly gorgeous and talented stallion, Jake Jacspin.  I follow her on Facebook and I love seeing the fun things she’s doing with her program and horses.  I also love some of the insight she offers from time to time.  The other day she posted a message that really spoke to my heart.  She wrote;

Jake Jacspin – Facebook

“To most, this looks like a dirty stinky work. WHO in their right mind wants to clean up after horses? Well…. Perspective is a funny thing. I don’t view it as “work”. For me, it’s “opportunity”. Opportunity for WHAT you ask? For me, the quiet time I spend cleaning stalls is opportunity to pray. As I pick and sift through shavings, my mind slows down for a bit and I get to think and pray. I pray for my kids, my husband, Jake, my friends, the world, and those I see on Facebook asking for prayer. Some people have “prayer closets”, I have “prayer stalls”. The quiet of barn is some of the best time I get each day. I know I usually smell like a barn, but if people had any idea the time spent inside was so precious, they wouldn’t care.”

Thank you, Lisa for sharing this beautiful message.  When I was a kid, cleaning stalls felt like a chore.  As an adult, it is the most peaceful thing in the world.  Share this on Facebook if you can relate!

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