Awesome Hack for Horses Who Tip Their Water Buckets!

We all know how frustrating it can be to worry about your horses water supply – especially in the summer heat. We came across this brilliant idea on Ahsley Wood’s facebook page recently. You can see in the below image, she has taken a standard plastic crate a used it to stabilize her horses water bucket. Ashley’s says on her facebook page, “What do you do when your horse dumps it’s water bucket multiple times every day??……. You improvise”. This idea is cheap and simple! We did an estimate and it looks like this do it yourself hack can be done for about $15. Installed in just 15 minutes if you have the tools ready to go.

The crate can be picked up as a single or in packs of 3 or more anywhere. We recommend Target or Walmart for cheap! You can mount these to the wall of your horses stall or to the pipe corral supports with several options:
These are just a couple quick ideas for ideas for mounting. If you are going to use zip ties make sure you double or even triple up on the support points. If any readers have better ideas please share. They key is to make sure the crate is stabilized and there is enough support to hold those heavy water buckets for long periods of time. This concept can also be used for grain buckets or brush and supply bins to keep yourself organized. Thanks again to Ashley Wood for posting this great idea. If you think this is a good idea, Share it with your friends on Facebook!