Horse Trailer Bound For Slaughter Stopped – Community Raises $13,000 In 2 Hours To Save Horses From Slaughter

HiCaliber Horse Rescue and their village of supporters have done it again! Nine rental string horses were on their way to slaughter when HiCaliber rescue stepped in to stop the truck and save them. They raised $13,000 In under 2 hours on a Friday night with no notice to save 9 beautiful horses!

On Facebook they wrote, “THE TRUCK HAS TURNED AROUND! This village just raised more than $13,000 in under two hours on a Friday night with no notice. You are one bad-ass, horse-rescuing force to be reckoned with. Honestly, I’m speechless. I’m overwhelmed. And to say I’m grateful doesn’t begin to explain my emotions. The weight I was going to carry for losing these nine would have been overwhelming. Thank you for giving them a second chance. Thank you for saving them from slaughter. Thank you for deciding their lives mattered. Thank you for always being there for the horses. Thank you for being the most incredible, generous village anywhere.”
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