Watch What Happens To World’s Best Cutting Horse When The Competition Is Over

Special Nu Baby is leading the nation in cutting and it’s easy to see why. She has earned $403,000 and she’s not done yet! Her trainer, Matt Gaines is no stranger to the show arena, he’s earned 7.4 Million dollars! This team He’s riding Special Nu Baby, and she sure is special!
As much as we LOVE watching these two compete. The real story is what happens when the competition is over. Matt Gaines wrote:
“Every night the last thing Tara and I do before we go to bed is one last walk through the barn. We feed all the horses cookies, put what blankets on that are necessary for the night and just make sure everyone is tucked in and happy. As you all know; Special Nu Baby is my favorite horse. She is so special to me and will forever be my “Baby”. Tara refers to her as the “other woman” in my life which is funny but I do spoil her and try to make her feel special every day. Tonight Tara captured Baby giving me our goodnight kisses. Goodnight everyone!”
We love sharing stories about trainers doing great things, and this video was absolutely wonderful. Share this on Facebook if you love horse kisses!