This Type Of Horse Training Is Not Training….This is AB– USE…Please Call And Report This Person!

I saw this post on Facebook and thought I would Share. I’m so sick of seeing “trainers” like this and I can’t believe he actually posted those pictures…bragging!

“#OKLAHOMA Do you know Brad Stewart? Jeremy Mixon? Justin Smith? This is not HORSE TRAINING this is HORSE AB– USE! Call the McCurtain County Sheriff Office If you are outraged about this you may contact the Sheriff Office or the District Attorney at the numbers below.”
Sheriff: (580) 286-3331
District Attorney: (580)286-7611
There is A Facebook Page dedicated to this issue and I have been informed that the horse that is at the center of this controversy is thankfully doing well.
There are better ways to train a horse! SHARE this on Facebook if you are outraged and help stop other horse abusers like this!