To All The Horse Lovers Who Aren’t Winning Championship Ribbons – A Letter From A Horse Show Judge

Melonie Kessler, a dressage judge from California recently posted this open letter to exhibitors on her Facebook page.
“As I take a moment to rest and reflect I wanted to reach out to all horse lovers on fb that aren’t getting championship ribbons or 1st places this weekend.
At a recent show I judged I ran into a young girl crying and very upset. I found the TD so I could ask the girl what was the matter.
She was so upset her horse was naughty earlier that day when I judged her. I listened to her between sobs of disappointment and embarrassment and then I gave her my perspective.
I told her horses are not about ribbons or championships. They are not put on this earth to feed our egos or empower us. They are out here to teach us life lessons about patience, loyalty, and love. Difficult horses are put with people for a reason. I assured her that as a judge, I can tell she is a very competent rider with a very difficult situation. I commended her tactful handling of the problem he gave her. Now, she needs to try hard to find the root of his insecurities and help him be all he can become. This, I believe is the real reason we have these wonderful creatures.
So for you out there showing this weekend, remember it is not about the glory of the prize, but about the partnership with your wonderful friend.
Enjoy the shows, but enjoy your horse more :)”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves! Share this on Facebook if you agree with what Melonie has to say!