Video: Disciplined Rail – Like it? Love it? Leave it?

I came across this video today of Disciplined Rail at the 2010 Pinto World Show. I’ve seen Discipline Rail classes at many open shows, but not at any paint or quarter horse shows. Do you like competing in this class? Do you wish they offered it at AQHA or APHA shows? Let me know!
Here is a copy of the explanation of disciplined rail from the 2012 Pinto Rule Book:
Disciplined Rail Horse, Pony Performance
1. The class routine shall be to perform work on the rail, and
may include, but is not limited to:
a. A short walk, jog or slow lope.
b. A hand gallop (no more than eight horses at a time,
twice around the ring).
c. Flying changes of lead each way of the ring.
d. Starting into a lope from a halt.
e. Sliding stop.
f. Starting and traveling on the counter lope
g. Side pass both left and right (once each way).
h. Turn on forehand and turn on hind quarter (once each
i. Dismount and mount from either side.
j. Stand quietly.
k. Judge may ask for additional safe work.
2. To be judged on performance, manners and conformation.
To view the entire rule book please visit: