BLM Advisory Board Votes To Kill All 44,000 Captive Wild Horses – PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION

The Bureau of Land Management’s Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board has voted in favor of killing every wild horse that is currently in short term or long term holding. That is approximately 44,000 horses.

Please help stop this by clicking here to sign the petition. The petition has already gathered over 146,000 signatures, lets keep the number going and show the BLM that we do not thing this is acceptable.
The Advisory Board can be emailed at [email protected]. You can also email each individual member. June Sewing: [email protected]; Fred Woehl: [email protected]; Robert Cope: [email protected]; Julie Weikle: [email protected]; Sue McDonnell: [email protected]; Steven Yardley: [email protected]; Ben Masters: [email protected]
It’s being reported that Division Chief, Dean Bolstad, had been alluding to killing the captive wild horses before the vote. His email is [email protected].
Ginger Kathrens of The Cloud Foundation was reportedly the only advisory board member to vote no on this matter. You can thank her for standing up for these wild horses by emailing [email protected].
Source, Please Click Here To Sign The Petition, email the advisory board and SHARE this on Facebook and help put a stop to this!