Mare Shields Foal From Terrible Barn Fire

We all hear stories about mother’s doing amazing things for their children and this story is no different. In 2012 the barn at Touchstone Farm caught fire. Two mares with foals were trapped in the paddock around the barn. People saw one of the mare’s and let her out, but Maya and her foal were trapped in the corner.
It was the middle of the night and Maya shielded her colt from the heat and flames. Her body was heat scorched from head to tail on both sides. Her colt only had small marks, on his face, the owner’s think it was from trying to nurse. Maya’s burns were so severe that they thought they were going to lose her.

They moved her and her colt into the garage of their house and created an ICU area for her. They administred IV Fluids, antibiotics and pain meds for several weeks.

The horse community rallied around and helped with caring for Maya and donations. She was able to make a full recovery and only has minimal scaring. She now lives her life at Touchstone Farm and may be bred in the future.
Story and Photos from, Touchstone Farm. Share this on Facebook if you think Maya is an INCREDIBLE mother!