Veteran inspires younger generations to CHASE THEIR DREAMS!

US War Veteran and college bareback rider, Zach Thomas is a hero in so many ways! Especially to a young man that he took the time for. Zach gave a young man who admired him a precious gift, and even more than that, he took the time to inspire this young man!

Zach wrote, “This lil cowboy came up to me after riding on Saturday night. He asked if I had my back number still. I said no buddy, I never got one. His nervous and excited face that was wearing a smile, turned to a frown and him hanging his head immediately afterwards. I asked him how come and why he was hanging his head. He said he wanted to know If I would sign it and let him have it. I felt bad bout it cause I would’ve definitely done that for him. So I thought about it for a second.. then I opened up my gear bag and pulled my glove out. I peeled my American flag off of it, the one right above Clint Cannon’s signature, the only flag I was able to keep throughout 4 years of military service, and handed him it. His frown turned into a smile and hid eyes blew up. I Told him I was sorry I couldn’t sign it, bit it meant a lot to me, and he just looked at me and said.. “Zach Thomas? ” yessir I told him. “Ah it’s ok” he said. “I’ll remember that, thank you sir. When I get my glove I’ll put on there like you did.” You know, I could’ve won some money that night or even won the rodeo, but I still wouldn’t have felt as good as that moment right there.
That’s what it’s about guys. Live life right, whether it be in rodeo or just working hard in day to day life, be a positive influence and role model then pass it down. Inspire the younger generations to chase their dreams like your role models did for you. I didn’t think twice about giving him that flag. But I also didn’t think I would have ever gotten rid of it either. It was worth it to me. ”
Zach Thomas is a HERO! Share this on Facebook if you agree!