20 Reasons To Bring Your Solid Paint To APHA World Show!

Make plans to include a few extra horses in your 2016 APHA World Show lineup: the APHA Executive Committee recently approved a motion that will allow solid Paint-bred horses with two Regular Registry parents the opportunity to compete in most non-world championship classes alongside their Regular Registry counterparts, based on feedback from the World Show Advisory Committee.
The Executive Committee also approved three new Amateur owner-breeder-exhibitor halter classes sponsored by the World Conformation Horse Association for the 2016 show and a few other modifications.
Solid Opportunities
Beginning at the 2016 APHA World Championship Show, which takes place November 2–12 in Fort Worth, Texas, solid Paint-breds with two Regular Registry parents are invited to compete in non-world championship classes and take a shot at big cash prizes. The only exceptions are the Farnam Stakes (in 2016), PBRIP Sweepstakes (as there is a designated PBRIP Solid Paint-Bred Sweepstakes) and sweepstakes classes that also include a dual world championship class: ranch riding (Open & Amateur), ranch trail (Open & Amateur) and ranch sorting (Open & Amateur).
Those solid Paint-bred horses may participate in the 2016 Farnam Select Sale, which makes horses eligible for subsequent years’ Farnam Stakes classes and big payouts, beginning in 2017.
Solid Paint-breds with two Regular Registry parents will also be permitted to exhibit in Platinum, Gold and/or Silver Breeders’ Futurity classes (as applicable, based on sire/dam participation and foal nomination). Solid Paint-bred foals without two Regular Registry parents will be eligible for Bronze Breeders’ Futurity classes, along with any solid Paint-bred designated classes.
At the 2016 World Show, solid Paint-breds with two Regular Registry parents will be eligible for the following, in addition to all designated solid Paint-bred classes:
- All Breeders’ Futurity Classes: Platinum/Gold/Silver
- 3-Year-Old Reining Challenge – $5,000 Added
- Non-Pro 3-Year-Old Reining Challenge – $5,000 Added
- 4-, 5- & 6-Year-Old Reining Challenge – $15,000 Added
- Non-Pro 4-, 5- & 6-Year-Old Reining Challenge – $15,000 Added
- 4- & 5-Year-Old Working Cow Horse Challenge – $7,500 Added
- Non-Pro 4- & 5-Year-Old Working Cow Horse Challenge – $7,500 Added
- Non-Pro Limited Working Cow Horse Challenge (Boxing) – $3,000 Added
- Non-Pro Cutting Challenge, All Ages – $3,500 Added
- 3-Year-Old Cutting Challenge – $3,500 Added
- 4-Year-Old Cutting Challenge – $3,500 Added
- 5- & 6-Year-Old Cutting Challenge – $3,500 Added
- 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Challenge – $5,000 added
- 3-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Challenge – $5,000 added
- Non-Pro 2-Year-Old Western Pleasure Sweepstakes – $1,000 added
- Non-Pro 2-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Sweepstakes – $1,000 added
- Non-Pro 3-Year-Old Western Pleasure Sweepstakes – $1,000 added
- Non-Pro 3-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle Sweepstakes – $1,000 added
- 3-Year-Old Novice Horse Limited Rider Western Pleasure Sweepstakes – $1,000 added
- Bridleless Western Pleasure Sweepstakes – $1,000 added
Two existing world championship classes will also be combined beginning at the 2016 show, due to low participation in past years. In both the Open and Amateur divisions, the Solid Paint-Bred 2-Year-Old Mares and Solid Paint-Bred 3-Year-Old & Older Mares classes will be combined into a single class in each division: Solid Paint-Bred 2-Year-Old & Older Mares.
WCHA Owner-Breeder-Exhibitor Classes
In special recognition of those Amateurs who breed, own and show their Paints, the 2016 World Show will include three new WCHA Amateur Owner-Breeder-Exhibitor weanling halter classes:
- WCHA Amateur OBE Weanling Stallions
- WCHA Amateur OBE Weanling Mares
- WCHA Amateur OBE Weanling Geldings
“WCHA and the American Paint Horse Association have had a strategic alliance agreement since 2010, and the APHA World Show is a premier event. Many WCHA members own and breed Paint Horses, so we are excited to partner with APHA in this opportunity to offer yet another venue at which WCHA members can exhibit their horses, while promoting awareness for both organizations,” World Conformation Horse Association President Luke Castle said.
To be eligible for these WCHA OBE classes, the horse must be shown by the Amateur owner-breeder or applicable family member per APHA rules, and the owner-breeder-exhibitor must be a current member in good standing with both APHA and WCHA.
These are non-world championship classes, and 80 percent of exhibitors’ $500 entry fees will be jackpotted. Payouts will be based on the APHA World Show payout schedule as outlined in the premium book. Classes will be judged by WCHA judges following that association’s rules, but only registered Paint Horses (Regular Registry and Solid Paint-Bred) are permitted.
2017 World Show Modifications
The 2017 APHA World Show already features several improvements, including new dates in September and the debut of an iconic world championship trophy. Two more modifications have also been announced:
- The Broodmare halter class will be discontinued at the 2017 World Show, due to lack of participation.
- Breeders’ Futurity reining, cutting and barrel racing classes will be discontinued in 2017 due to lack of participation.
Written By, By Jessica Hein, Paint Horse Journal. For the latest news about the APHA World Championship Show, visit apha.com/oawcs.