7 New Classes and Even More Fun Added To APHA World Show Schedule – Qualifying Waved

The following seven classes are the newest additions to the 2014 APHA World Show schedule:
- Amateur Ranch Horse Pleasure
- Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Reining
- Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Yearling Longe Line
- Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Yearling In-Hand Trail
- Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Barrel Racing
- Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Pole Bending
- Amateur Solid Paint-Bred Stake Race
“These classes represent events that have had a surge in recent popularity among Amateur exhibitors,” APHA Senior Director of Shows Holly Slaughter said. “Due to popular demand, the APHA Executive Committee agreed that offering these seven events would be a great service to our members and exhibitors.”
Because the decision to offer these seven classes was made so late in the World Show qualifying period, the Executive Committee agreed to waive qualifying requirements for horses entering these events. However, if exhibitors also wish to enter additional classes—beyond the seven noted above—they will be subject to the existing qualifying requirements, which includes showing at a minimum of four APHA-approved events and to at least eight judges between August 1, 2013, and July 31, 2014.
Several APHA-approved competitions take place through the end of July—visit the aphaonline.org Show Calendar for a list of events, and check your horse’s qualification status on oawcs.apha.com.
An Open Ranch Horse Trail Sweepstakes will also be added to the 2014 APHA World Show schedule. Because this is a sweepstakes class, it is not subject to qualification requirements.
The 2014 APHA World Show will also feature several other new events, including a slate of Amateur Walk-Trot classes, Open Ranch Horse Pleasure and the Farnam Non-Pro 3- & 4-Year-Old Hunter Under Saddle and Western Pleasure Stakes classes. The popular Paint Barrel Racing Incentive Program Barrel Racing Sweepstakes will return to this year’s World Show—learn more about enrollment for PBRIP, which is required for entry into this special sweepstakes class, at pbrip.com.
For the latest information about the APHA World Championship Show, visit oawcs.apha.com.