BREAKING NEWS: Equine Herpes Virus Found In California – Los Angeles County

“On November 3, 2016, a 5 year-old Saddlebred displaying severe neurologic signs and a 10 year-old Saddlebred in Los Angeles County displaying moderate neurologic signs were confirmed positive for the non-neuropathogenic strain Equine Herpesvirus-1 at the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory. Due to severity of clinical signs, the 5 year-old horse was euthanized on November 3, 2016. The Department has issued a quarantine for exposed horses at the facility and has implemented enhanced biosecurity measures. All exposed horses will have temperatures taken twice daily and be observed for clinical signs compatible with EHV. The two confirmed positive horses, along with four other horses, recently returned from a horse show in Las Vegas, NV from Oct. 27-29, 2016. These horses returned to the California home premises on October 30. Out of an abundance of caution, show management has notified trainers/owners participating in the event to recommend twice daily temperature monitoring and observation of compatible clinical signs. CDFA Animal Health Branch veterinarians are onsite monitoring the situation and will provide additional updates as they become available.” Quote and information from
The affected horses reside at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center. They have quarantined the affected barn and are taking precautions to prevent the spread of Equine Herpes Virus. Click Here for the latest update.
We will provide more updates as information becomes available. Please SHARE this on Facebook and use caution when traveling with your horses.