Horse Throws Caution To The Wind And Slides Downhill

In this video this horse gives a whole new meaning to sliding. We all love watching a reiner run down and slide in the dirt. Could you imagine if that reiner was sliding down hill? The first two horses are taking the steep hill in stride like normal friends would do, one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. Now, the last horse decides to take a different route. Like your friend that always has the “great idea”, the third horse starts down hill but begins to slide so he just runs with it.
He sets his butt down and skids the whole way down like a sled in snow. This just looks too dangerous for my taste and I hope that the horse was alright after the incident. Personally I am like the first two horses taking one step at a time, but I have a few friends that would be the last horse, hit the ground running or sliding in this case!
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