Horse Trainer Memoirs – Every Day Should Be National Trainer Day

We grew up as kids dreaming of the day we would become horse trainers. No different as one that grew up dreaming of becoming a Soccer player. Many of us were told it can’t be done, you’ll never make it. Some of us believed it and others didn’t and with that we became stronger wanting it even more.

As we became that “trainer” we many times thought “WOW”, “I did it”, not realizing the “price” we’d have to pay.
Long days, sleepless nights, hours of silent tears, because there’s always someone out there to knock you down as you rise to the top. So many days we hide behind our smile because it wouldn’t be “appropriate ” to show our emotions, we must “stay professional” they say.
We dream to make others dreams come true. We hunt all over the states to find that “perfect” horse for someone, losing sleep praying we found the right one.
We learn as the years go by, with that question always asked “did I sign up for this? Was that in my contract?” Only to realize, YUP I did. Didn’t read the fine print stating -you will carry many burdens, you will not discuss your own personal heartache as it is not “professional”, you will take phone calls, text, emails at all hours of the day and night and you will answer in an inappropriate way. You will have compassion for others and their personal problems because it’s what you do. You will be available at anytime any day, seven days a week.
So as the years have gone by my dreams of being a trainer have changed. I’ve had to rethink “why?”, well I remember because “I LOVE horses”!!! Plain and simple. I’ve learned it’s not all about what others think or say, it’s about what I think do or say. Some may love you some may hate you,all I know is time marches on. Time does not wait.
In the end I wouldn’t change anything. Follow your dreams. Appreciate the people that come in and out of your life. Remember things happen for reasons. I love what I do because I breath horse, I sleep horse-till the day I die.
Just a small note to anyone who has a trainer or coach or anyone that continues daily to share their knowledge with you. Consider everyday “National Trainer Day”❤️ Remember we as trainers live your dream along with our own dreams every breathing day.
Written By, June Tabor. Share this on Facebook if you have an amazing horse trainer (or you are one)!