Western Dressage Is Giving Traditional Dressage A Run For Its Money

It’s no secret that I absolutely love dressage, but I also love reining and other western disciplines. In the past few years western dressage or “Cowboy Dressage” seems to be really taking off. The numbers are up and some traditional dressage shows are even offering a western dressage class.
The other day I overheard a dressage rider talking about how there’s no way any western horse can do dressage. She was talking about how western dressage is a joke. Meanwhile, I’ve never seen her show and honestly her “dressage” doesn’t even resemble dressage in my opinion. For some reason she just views herself as better for the reason that she rides in a “Dressage” saddle. Well, person at the barn. I hope you see this video and realize that there are a lot of western dressage riders and horses that could easily compete in traditional dressage classes (and kick your butt), they just prefer riding western!
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