No One Could Find A Way To Help This Horse Live Comfortably

When I first rescued Camie I was desperate to find out what was going on with her and definitely open to outside-the-box methods, I still am. I talked to Nina Alyssa and she was kind enough to do an energy session for Camie remotely because we are not located in the same area. I haven’t shared about it until now because it is so outside of what I usually do with horses, but I think it’s a great reminder to all of us to also stay open-minded. I was extremely skeptical. After all, how can a little electronic device look at a picture and know things about the person or animal in that picture?? Sounds like a bunch of BS to me.
I decided to try it anyway because medically this horse has had over $10,000 poured into diagnostics by her past owner, with no luck. That’s why she was supposed to be put down. No one could find a way to help this mare live comfortably. So if I can somehow help her in another way, I have to stay open. When Nina first started reading what the scan pulled up there were so many things that explained so much about Camie…but still I’m a skeptic so I thought…well you can apply that to any horse. A half an hour later, she’s still reading me results and talking to me and it was clear…this may be different than what I’m used to…but it was right on in so many ways I couldn’t ignore. Then Nina asked me to communicate to Camie in a different way than I had before, through images, and address some of the things that came up on the scan.
As if the scan wasn’t enough, in the middle of this Camie just laid down right next to me, full out on her side and started breathing and moaning. I sat with her, Nina and I hung up so I could just experience this release with her. We sat there for more than 10 minutes. I have never witnessed a release as powerful as this. Then when she finally got up, she rested her head on my shoulder. This may be something I don’t fully understand, but it’s something that is powerful, beautiful and amazing. Still to this day I question in my skeptic mind whether it was the device or that Nina got me to finally release all of my own fears with Camie and connect with her and that’s where the release came from. Either way it was powerful and she facilitated a connection that both Camie and I desperately needed. All I know is that I am definitely more open-minded than I was before when it comes to healing and helping my animals. Since this session, Camie has been diagnosed with EPM. She is already looking so much better than she was before. She has a long way to go but we are getting there