The Haulers Delivered Her Horse In This Condition And She Doesn’t Want The Same To Happen To You

Our horses are truly members of our family so when we need to have them transported it can be hard to decide on the right hauler. There are so many factors. One thing that I’ve learned (from a terrible experience myself) is that if you need to have your horse hauled find the BEST person you can even if they charge more than other haulers. I will write about my experience at a later time, but for now I wanted to share this post with you:
” She arrived in the condition seen below with no more than a mention of a “rub on her rump”. After immediate veterinary care upon delivery, it was suggested that Magic was left uncared for in the trailer for the vast duration of the haul. I was not given any insight as to her condition during the haul, nor have I received any acknowledgment of neglect or wrong-doing since”
I am not sure if these haulers are so used to horses being injured that they truly only see it as a “tail rub” or what? She used Nation-Wide Horse Transportation Inc., based outside of Colorado Springs. I urge you to use good judgement when employing any hauler. I understand that accidents do happen in the trailer, but there is never an excuse for neglect! I have heard positive and negative things about many haulers (including Nation-Wide). The true test of what hauler is like is when something does happen in the trailer, how do they handle it? Most people’s horses arrive totally fine and that’s great, but how is that hauler when a horse gets injured? How do they handle that situation? I urge you to do your due diligence and use your best judgement.
Please Share this post in hope that nobody else’s horse has to endure this.