The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art Foundation

The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art Foundation in Jerez de la Frontera is known all over the world thanks to its show entitled “How the Andalusian Horses Dance”, a unique exhibition of horsemanship which both exhibits and summarises the work which the institution has carried out since its establishment.
A monument has been raised to the horse in the Plaza del Caballo in recording of what this noble animal has brought, and still brings, to this town.
www.realescuela.orgThe Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art Foundation in Jerez de la Frontera is known all over the world thanks to its show entitled “How the Andalusian Horses Dance”, a unique exhibition of horsemanship which both exhibits and summarises the work which the institution has carried out since its establishment.
A monument has been raised to the horse in the Plaza del Caballo in recording of what this noble animal has brought, and still brings, to this town.