10 Tips To Improve Your Scores At The Next Horse Show

Have you ever gone to a horse show and realize you forgot your horse’s fly spray, or hoof polish? Or, enter a class and forget the pattern?
Getting organized the week before the competition will make the day less stressful and more fun. Making a list of key things to remember, like directions, grooming products, or a change of clothes, will keep you organized. Reviewing your check-list and packing all supplies in advance will take some stress away and give you extra time on competition day to focus on your horse.
Here are some other great tips from the video!
1) Have your horse, tack and clothes clean and organized.
2) Learn your test or pattern the week before the competition.
3) Always be early to the horse show.
4) Make yourself a schedule.
5) Walk your course with a professional and try to do it more than once.
6) Stay hydrated and eat well! You’ll feel better for it.
7) Try and have someone there to film your rides.
8) Give schooling shows a try first before going to your recognized shows.
9) Visualize your patterns and your rides.
10) Remember the more prepared you are, the less nervous you’ll be and the happier your horse will be!
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