Horse Show Plays The Song ‘I Can Only Imagine’ And Everything Stops – Remembering Young Kiley Who Lost Her Battle With Cancer

Kiley Marschand was a youth rider who recently lost her battle with cancer. She didn’t gain a lot of national publicity and her story never went viral. But, to her friends and family she was everything. Kiley and her sister, Emily, showed at the Indy Circuit horse show regularly. This year, the horse show completely stopped to take a moment and remember their friend Kiley.
The tribute was beautiful. The show was held in Kiley’s home state of Indiana. Mark Harrell Horse Shows organized the event and when we asked him how he would describe Kiley he said, “She was the sweetest little girl ever!!”.

We are praying for Kiley’s family and friends in this time of healing. Share this on Facebook with the hash tag #rememberingkiley to show your support to Kiley’s loved ones.