Horse Trailer Stolen From Pinto Worlds – Please Share!

TRAILER was STOLEN some time between Sunday June 9th and Thursday June 12th from the Tulsa Expo Square during the Pinto World Show!!!! Please share with all your friends and keep a look out for 1998 Sooner 4 Horse Trailer white with Blue stripes has an AQHA red sticker in front window. Also western show equipment. Blue Ribbon Saddle, Silver Mesa Saddle, silver show bridles, halters and show clothes. This trailer has California Plates on it, still trying to track down the license plate number. Please call Angie with any leads (818)203-5136.
Update from Angie: Calif plate #4CT9225
Thanks everyone! I was told they could have repainted the stripes. Missing a hub cap on left side and old spare tire on right back tire doesn’t match radials
Please Share this post on Facebook to help Angie get her trailer and equipment back!