I started a nonprofit for kids and horses ❤️

20 years ago God put it in my heart to start a nonprofit for kids and horses. I had no idea when or how I was going to do it. When I told others about my dream of helping kids through horsemanship they looked at me like it was a pipe dream and I was nuts. I even started to think it was a pipe dream myself so I put it up on a shelf on that “someday” shelf and continued on with life.
I trained horses and ran a children’s riding program. I loved seeing the difference horses made in the kid’s lives. It wasn’t the nonprofit that I had dreamed of, but it was still helping and I loved it. Eventually, we moved and instead of restarting my training business, I started a family.
About two years ago I felt God talking to me again, I didn’t know what he was saying but he was putting horses and people in my life that needed help. I rescued a few horses and started letting kids come ride them for free. That dream up on the shelf started happening and I didn’t even realize what was going on.
Here we are today and Heavenly Horses Nonprofit is official. We serve children in our community regardless of financial resources. I’d love to talk about all the great things we are teaching them, but the truth is, the horses are the ones teaching these kids. Watching their connection develop and grow is one of the great joys of my life. I’m so glad God put this dream in my heart and never let me forget it. I’m so grateful for these horses and for the opportunity to share them with these children ❤️ To learn more about Heavenly Horses please visit www.heavenlyhorses.org. Thank you!